Free Habit Tracker

Click here to download my Printable Monthly Habit Tracker!

My tips?

Use colors

Instead of using ✓ or an ✘ I like to use colored pens or pencils to color on each day that I complete the habit. I give each habit a different color. It helps me better see my progress with each habit.

Avoid judgments

Remember, try your best to eliminate judgments on each habit. When it comes to habit tracking, you are much more likely to continue your tracking if you are neutral about your behaviors. Otherwise, tracking becomes a habit that’s associated with negative repercussions (like yelling at yourself for doing or not doing something), and you’ll want to stop tracking entirely.

Add a second step

If you have trouble with judging yourself, add in a second step to this process: write out a sentence or two each day why you did or did not complete each habit. Again, try to be neutral, stop yourself from calling yourself names or being mean to yourself. Write observations about your stress, emotions, events, schedule, people, behaviors, cumulative choices, etc. that led to completing or not completing the habit you are tracking.

Need some support and accountability to set realistic and sustainable goals? I’m here to help!

Click here to schedule a free call to discuss your goals and challenges, and I’ll talk to you about next steps and how I might be able to help!

I can’t wait to chat with you! 🎉


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