Specialized meal plans for all of your unique needs

Detailed meal plans that offer clarity and a fresh start

meal plan food

Let’s be honest. Meal plans are exciting because they represent a clear plan of action, a direct path to reach your goals.

However, meal plans can also be complicated and exhausting to follow. Following a meal plan can lead to rigidity and a narrowing of accepted foods. That’s not what Balance Chaos is about at all.

Our meal planning service is targeted for those who thrive on being given meal and snack recipes, or those who are so exhausted with their GI symptoms and fed-up with trying to figure it out on their own.

This is for any client who is currently enrolled in our nutrition coaching programs. 

Keep in mind that our nutrition coaching services can include a flexible meal plan created together with you and your dietitian at no additional cost to you.

Our specialized meal plan is an add-on service because it is much more detailed and requires more work from both you as the client and your dietitian to create and follow the plan.


Specialized meal plans are shared through That Clean Life and include:

  • 1 week of scheduled meals and snacks to address symptoms
  • Days designed to target your macro and micronutrient needs
  • Recipes and grocery list for your unique dietary preferences and requirements
  • Lists of foods to prioritize and foods to avoid to help you follow a therapeutic or elimination diet
  • Recommended brands of products to shop for
Client planning meal plans
Meal plan containers

How it Works


Schedule a Free Initial Consult

A no-obligation call to discuss your goals.


Determine the Best Package

Together, we’ll decide on the right service or package to meet your needs.


Nutrition Assessment

After your assessment, we’ll set habit goals and next steps to help you succeed.


Start Your Plan

Depending on your situation, we’ll either implement the plan all at once or in stages.


Ongoing Support

Stay consistent and work toward liberalizing your diet for long-term success.

“I really appreciated it when Chelsea would discuss the studies that supported the advice she was giving me.

I might be in the minority, but it allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of why I should do X and what to expect from my body.” – Jesse H.

Meal plan packages

Specialized & Therapeutic Meal Plans


  • One 75-minute nutrition assessment
    • includes defining your goals and underlying motivations, identifying any symptoms, diagnoses, or past medical history that is impacting your food and body
  • One 45-minute nutrition follow-up
    • includes meal plan implementation and habit goal setting, helping you integrate your meal plan into your life, accountability check-ins & troubleshooting
  • Specialized 1-week meal plan + grocery list shared through That Clean Life to target your macronutrient and micronutrient needs

The “Tell Me What To Do” Package


  • One 90-minute nutrition and fitness assessment
  • Three 45-minute nutrition follow-ups
  • Four-week exercise program – up to 3 strength training workouts/week with cardio recommendations OR one week specialized meal plan

    Sessions include:

    • Guidance on sports performance nutrition
    • Review of lab work & other testing
    • Personalized meal planning advice
    • Relevant worksheets & workbooks
    • Goal setting & accountability