The “Pick 3/4” Checklist for Balanced Meals & Snacks
Let's face it, as much as you plan ahead, we can always expect some snacks and meals to happen on the fly. As you stare into your fridge, pace in front of your office snack stash, or zone out at the to-go foods at Starbucks... use these 4 bullets as the foundations...
Preventing Shoulder Injuries during Air Travel
Shoulder health & luggage. Chances are, you haven't given a second thought to your shoulder health when it comes to preparing to travel. But you really should. I've seen too many shoulder injuries and discomfort from clients who have gone through years of business...
The Smart & Fit Air Travel Series
I work with a lot of clients who travel for work. Over the years, I've heard all their complaints about how their body feels after those flights and hotel stays. I've seen the repetitive use injuries, listened to stories about the GI discomfort, jet-lag, dehydration,...

Nutrition Framework for Life
This is a general nutrition framework that I send to all my clients who want to talk nutrition with me. My goal is to provide an outline and some concepts to ensure that we are starting on the same page. A framework to live by for a balanced diet and a healthy...

Find the Best Personal Trainer for You
After the conversation, you should feel relatively comfortable with the trainer and their approaches to help you reach your goals. Pat yourself on the back. You asked some great questions, and you can feel confident that your trainer has the skills and motivational drive to help you succeed.

Hi, I’m Chelsea! Your coach to help you navigate the complex world of nutrition and fitness with clarity, compassion, and real-world strategies.
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